Surgery Update

I got the call about my surgery time tomorrow and I have to report to the hospital at 9:00.  This means my actual surgery time is probably around 11:30-12:30 and the surgery will last 4-5 hours.  Andrea will be updating the blog for me as she gets updates, so feel free to check it tomorrow.  I appreciate all your prayers, especially for "the peace that passes understanding" and that my anxiety won't be an issue tomorrow.  My recovery from the sentinel node surgery last week has been great and I am hopeful that I will have similar optimal results with the mastectomies tomorrow, even though it is, of course, a much bigger surgery with much more extensive recovery.  Thank you so much for all of your support, care, concern, and prayers for me.  It means more than you know!  I count you all as blessings!
Lots of love,


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