Drains Be Gone!

I am super happy to report that when I went to see the plastic surgeon today, he took out my drains!  YAY!  In order to fully appreciate what this means, I think you need to see what the drains were like.  Mom took a picture this morning so you could see (warning: it's kind of gross).
From August 5, 2011
I had one of these on each side and the tubing extended about four inches into me, to drain out blood and fluid collecting at the surgery site.  As you can imagine, having drains stuck into you and then sewn into place isn't very comfortable.  It was actually the most uncomfortable part of this process so far.  Not to mention that my poor mom has had to monitor the drains and empty them several times a day.  Bleck. 

I've been wearing special shirts with hidden pockets sewn in to carry the drains around everywhere I go.  In order to take a shower, I had to wear a necklace that I can pin the drains onto (Thank you, Scottsville Fourth of July parade, for supplying the lovely patriotic necklace!) so my hands would be free.  I've had to sleep on my back, mostly sitting up, since lying on the tubing, or even bumping it, hurt. 

I am so glad to see these drains go!  I'm not sure if I'll be able to sleep on my side tonight - the surgery itself might be too painful - but at least I have the option of trying.  Bonus: I no longer have to figure out outfits that hide the grenade-shaped bulges.  Today is a happy day!  :)


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