Who Is My God?

One of my dearest friends has been sending me e-cards every single day to encourage me, cheer me, and sometimes make me laugh out loud.  Today's card included a prayer that this cancer difficulty will show God working in me mightily so that others might see who my God is.  I was reminded of a verse I've had on my bathroom mirror for the past 10 months: "Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God?  You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples" (Ps. 77:13-14).  So you may ask who my God is, who gives me strength to endure this trial and even see it as something good.  My God is the one who performs miracles!  He can take something as tragic as cancer and make it into something beautiful.  He is a God of redemption, who makes all things new.  Nothing is too big for Him or too hard for Him.  His ways are beyond our understanding.  That is who my God is - and I hope you see Him in me.


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