May 25, 2011

I don't want to worry anyone because it may be nothing, but I knew you would want to know - I had some pain in my breast and then noticed a lump at the location of the pain.  My regular doctor sent me to the Breast Care Center and they did a mammogram and ultrasound today.  They found a mass where I was feeling the pain and lump and they need to biopsy it.  The biopsy is scheduled for June 6.  It's an outpatient procedure with local anesthetic and I can go right back to work as long as I don't do any heavy lifting (something I'll try to avoid as I sit typing at my desk - haha).  I'll get the results the following week.  I think it all sounds scarier than it is.  I am doing fine and know that God gives me grace to handle everything He brings me.  Of course prayer is appreciated.  :)


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