June 6, 2011

Thank you all so much for all your prayers and encouragement today and over the past week.  I have felt surrounded by so much love and concern; I am richly blessed!  My parents and I met with the doctor today (among other people) to get the full scoop on my cancer.  Apparently I did not hear correctly when I thought they told me I have DCIS, the earliest form of cancer.  I actually have a tiny bit of DCIS, but it has spread and is now considered invasive breast cancer, which is the most common form of breast cancer.  It is very rare in women as young as I am, so they are doing genetic testing to see if I inherited a mutated gene that might have caused the cancer.  They are also doing an MRI to make sure there is no other cancer present, as mammography can only tell some of the story for younger women.  I have two options for surgery at this point, assuming they do not find additional cancer in the MRI and I do not have the mutated gene.  1) Surgery to remove the cancerous portion, followed by mandatory radiation.  2) Mastectomy, which has no need for radiation.  I won't know until after the either surgery if I will also need chemotherapy.  They took tons of blood today and I am also scheduled for a chest X-ray and EKG this week.  The MRI will be on Monday and I will meet again with my doctor next Wednesday, where we will make our final decision on my treatment.  I felt very cared for by all the providers I saw today (genetic counselor, nurse practitioner, doctor, clinical research specialist (I'm going to be part of a clinical trial)) and they sent me home with a huge bag of information for me and some fun goodies such as Chicken Soup for the Breast Cancer Survivor's Soul.  :) 

I appreciate your continued prayers as I share this diagnosis with others.  Each time I share, it becomes more real to me.  Also, my work is very busy right now and I am a little distracted by all my thoughts about this cancer, so prayer that I can focus at work would be really helpful.  I am surrounded by so many amazing people and vigilant prayer warriors; I am confident that God's will will be done in my life.  "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me" (Ps. 23:4).  If you live nearby and want a practical way to help, I would love help in the kitchen.  I have lots of fresh produce and am a little too spacey to do much with it right now, but I don't want it to just go bad.  Someone to come cook with me would be great.  :)

Again, I am so so thankful for each one of you and the support and encouragement you've given me.  It means so much to know I am not alone.
Love to you all!

P.S. My diagnosis is not a secret, so feel free to share with other prayer groups or mutual friends.


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