June 15, 2011

Good news from my doctor today: The MRI didn't find any additional cancer - praise God!  I decided on a lumpectomy with radiation to follow and we scheduled my surgery for July 19.  I haven't heard back about the possible gene mutation that would increase my risk for getting breast cancer again, but I think either way I'd like to start with the lumpectomy and then move to a mastectomy if necessary later.  Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers!  I start the clinical trial in two weeks and the vaccines will probably leave me feeling a little under the weather, so continued prayers for peace and strength are appreciated.  I will also be working hard to make sure I can be absent from work for a week+ after the surgery.  The recovery time for a lumpectomy is much quicker than with the mastectomy, though, and my surgery date works out well with my work schedule, so almost everything I learned today was the best case scenario we've all been praying for.  Please also pray that I can use this situation to be a testimony to God's faithfulness.  A co-worker told me today that seeing me get cancer has made her angry with God.  It wasn't the right time to talk with her at length about this, but I do hope I will have the chance again to share more with her about God and His ways that are so much higher than ours.  A verse a friend shared with me today that seems so applicable to what I'm going through: "We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us" (2 Cor. 4:7).

Thanks again for all your encouragement, emails, thoughts and prayers!  I have felt completely surrounded and supported in so many ways so far.  You all are great blessings in my life!


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