Today was a chemo day. Or rather it was supposed to be a chemo day. After three different people worked to get my IV in, my lab results said my white blood cell count was too low to get even a reduced dose of chemo today. Low white blood cell counts put you at great risk for infection, so it was just too risky to get treatment today and chance them dropping even further. Instead, I got a shot of Neulasta, a drug that stimulates your bone marrow to produce more cells, and was told to come back in two weeks to restart the three-week cycle (two weeks on, one week off). This time, I'll get Neulasta shots with my first dose and take-home shots to give myself for the three days following treatment. Hopefully then my white blood cells will be high enough to receive my second chemo treatment and the Neulasta patch to dose me up 27-hours post-chemo.

My oncologist did say that if chemo is affecting my blood counts so drastically, it's probably also doing a number on my cancer cells.🙏My job now is to try to avoid infection until we can get my counts up. 😷  Prayers appreciated!


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