Next Steps

On Wednesday evening, my oncologist called to share thoughts from the tumor board. Apparently, the tumor board my case was presented to was specific to brain metastases, so I feel like I got even more specialized input on my case, which is great. My oncologist confirmed that everyone was in definitive agreement that we should go forward with the gamma knife surgery on Monday (which I was already planning on). 

They also think it's time for me to switch treatments, and offered a specific recommendation for what that should be. As hard as my current drug has been for me, it was holding so much of my cancer stable - and for quite a long time. I knew what to expect from it each week and had made some strides in managing the side effects. Not to mention the fact that stopping it means one fewer treatment in my arsenal of options. So it's not an easy decision to move away from it. A new treatment means a period of adjustment for my body (which sometimes takes a couple of months), experiencing new side effects and figuring out how to best manage them, and getting into the rhythm of a new schedule of appointments. It's a lot. I'm disappointed that this is what I'm facing but know God will be with me in it all.

I am hoping to get a second opinion at Johns Hopkins just to feel like we did all we could to manage this development the best we can. I would love your prayers that I could get in quickly. And prayers that my body would tolerate this time of transition well. And, of course, that the gamma knife surgery will go well and be successful! I head it at 5:30 AM on Monday.

Thank you for your care for me! 


  1. Dearest Katherine, I will be praying for successful surgery and wisdom for all who participate in the future decisions regarding drugs and treatments. Your strength and trust in God are inspirational. I am also praying that He continue to strengthen and hold you tight. Most of all I am praying for an end to your suffering and complete healing from this dread disease.


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