MRI Results

This past Friday, I had a brain MRI to see how well my current treatment is working. I had recently "graduated" to scans every four months instead of every three since I had been stable for so long, and I was anticipating another good report. July's CT scan indicated that the rest of my cancer is under control/stable, so we were just waiting to hear good news from my brain scan to fully exhale in relief. 

Unfortunately, that was not to be. The MRI shows seven new (thankfully small!) tumors in my brain, plus a slight worsening in three that were already there. I've been working so hard, undergoing all these chemo treatments, so to hear it's no longer working is really disappointing. Not to mention that having thirteen tumors in your brain, however small, is kind of terrifying. All of them are contained in my cerebellum (which controls muscle movement and balance) but aren't causing symptoms, though, so that is a mercy. We look for goodness wherever it can be found!

But now we're facing a dilemma. My current treatment is working well against everything except my brain. But my brain is important! So do we switch treatments to try something that will hopefully work better against my brain but might risk the rest of my body? Do we add another drug to what I'm already doing? Do we treat the brain tumors with the gamma knife but stay on my current chemo? I'm not sure what all the options are, but my oncologist said there are at least five they're considering. My case will go to the tumor board tomorrow for all the doctors (not just my team) to discuss and come up with their recommendation. 

Regardless, I'll be getting gamma knife surgery to treat as many of the tumors as they can. I had a marathon day of appointments today, seeing the neurosurgeon, neuro-oncologist, and radiation oncologist, in order to be cleared to have the procedure Monday morning. I'm really thankful I can get in so quickly (and also still get to go on the beach trip we've been looking forward to).

We would love your prayers for wisdom for both the doctors and for us. For peace as we make a huge decision. For a successful gamma knife surgery on Monday and swift recovery so that we can all enjoy our time at the beach. For processing another setback. For joy in the midst of it all. For grace to trust Him more. He is able. He is good. 💗


  1. Oh, I am so sorry to hear of your setback. Praying for you. And your family and the tumor board.

  2. Praying His guidance and continued favor!


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