Clinical Trial Update

I now have a bunch of appointments scheduled at the cancer center for this coming Tuesday! I'll spend most of the day there and they'll knock out my bone scan, more blood work, and another appointment with my oncologist for a pre-clinical trial physical. It seems like all systems are a go for the clinical trial, although I haven't heard for sure yet. But I will be ready as soon as we get the word!

The bone scan is a familiar test, although I haven't had to do one for a year or two now. I haven't missed them; not because the scan itself is too bad, but because it's time-intensive. For this one, I'll arrive at 10:00am to get a radioactive injection, which will then circulate through my system and be ready to scan around 2:00pm. I'll do the lab work and the appointment with my oncologist during this wait. In the past, I could hang out with friends while I waited, but I'm pretty sure I'll have to be alone this time due to COVID restrictions. 

I'm looking forward to getting the results of the bone scan because they should provide more information about the cancer progression the CT scans picked up. Also, I'll be able to look at the bone scan and understand what they're seeing, whereas, with a CT scan, even the written report is a mystery to me. I was preparing to send someone an excerpt of my results to get help with the interpretation by pasting the text into an online notepad. My helpful grammar editor, which reviews everything I write online, did a little scan of the text and evaluated it:
CT results

It reports that the overall tone of my results is "worried, sad, and uncertain." Hahahaha. Pretty much hit the nail on the head with how I feel about them. We'll see if it feels differently about the bone scan results.

I'm thankful to be moving forward as soon as possible. I have visions of my cancer growing every day I'm off treatment. I've certainly been exhausted these past two weeks, if that is any clue as to what my body is up to. Either way, it feels good to be doing something and looking ahead. Thanks again for your prayers and encouragement! It means so much.


  1. ALWAYS praying for you. And my Sunday School class 4-6th graders are, too. I'm thankful for each blessing that God gives you each day as life keeps testing your faith. Thankful for your faithfulness even on the days you may be saying "Lord I believe; help my unbelief."


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