And so it goes

This is the life of someone with metastatic breast cancer - you live from scan to scan, from one tumor marker measurement to the next. On Monday, I will have my second set of scans since I began the Ibrance/Femara combo in July. The last scan I had only scanned my bones, but this time I'll be getting my bones and organs/tissues scanned for any new spots of cancer. If they find new spots, that means I've worn out my welcome with Ibrance and will need to switch to a new drug. If all is stable, I'll maintain the status quo.

To be honest, I'm a little nervous about the results of these scans. I feel more pressure in my chest and I worry if my lungs are affected. I have abdominal pain and wonder if it's spread there, too. I don't know if I have legitimate cause for concern or if my imagination is running away with me. Either way, I'll be glad to hear my results.

I am part of several support groups on Facebook - one for women with metastatic breast cancer, one for women of faith with metastatic breast cancer, and one for those of us on Ibrance. There are several of us who are in all three groups, so I see them post often. They've kept their profile photos the same, so they're easy to recognize as I scroll through.

Tonight I realized that one of the ones I've considered a staple of the group is down to her last few days. Her post caught my eye because she mentioned getting her last haircut. I didn't realize at first that she meant her last haircut ever. Did you ever think about getting your final haircut? Of looking death in the face as it's coming for you? I'm so thankful this woman is a believer and knows that heaven awaits her, but her impending journey has made mine seem a lot more real tonight.


  1. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Praying for Monday and the tests.

  2. Hey Katherine I have never posted here but wanted to let you know I will be praying for your scan - I know your mom since she was working at the LCA library, and have prayed for you every time the Lord has brought you to mind since I first learned of your journey. Anyway, I just wanted to finally connect with you and let you know there are many people lifting you in prayer that you are not even aware of - and I so appreciate your writing and sharing how God is working in your life through your present situation- with love and prayers, Sue

  3. I attempted to post here but it seems to have disappeared so I will try again. I just wanted to say that I will be praying for your scan- I know your Mom since her time at LCA and have been praying for you every time the Lord has brought you to mind ever since I learned of your cancer. There are many more praying for you than you are aware of I am sure- and I just wanted to finally connect with you to let you know we are out here praying for you- I so appreciate your writings and sharing how God is working in your life through this temporary struggle. With much love and prayer, Sue

  4. Oh it seems two messages may appear- apparently I did not wait long enough for my first one to appear so sorry about that- I am new at this


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