Only two more days until my final chemo treatment!  I can't believe it!  I took it day by day and, miraculously, I have almost made to the end of the road now.  I know I would never have made it this far without all of your encouragement and, most importantly, your prayers.  My chemo experience, while very hard, has not been as bad as that of some people I've been in touch with.  I credit prayer for all of that.  I'm thinking right now about a song we used to sing in high school marching band, one my good friend reminded me of when I started this whole journey.  It says, "I've got confidence my Lord's gonna see me through.  No matter what the case my be, my Lord, my Lord's gonna fix it for me."  He is always faithful.  :)

Even though Friday will be my last treatment, I won't be able to celebrate too much right away.  I will still feel the effects of my last treatment for a couple of weeks.  What am I expecting?  The first three days following treatment, I ache all over.  I feel like I have the flu or like I worked out way too hard.  It hurts to move and it hurts to just lie still.  But that usually ends after a few days.  What doesn't go away is the fatigue, and it gets worse with every treatment.  Now that I've had three treatments, my brain feels fuzzy and every couple of hours I need a nap.  I was in the office today and it was only thanks to caffeine that I made it the whole day.  Today I knew I wasn't up to going in to the office, so I planned to work from home.  I ended up sleeping almost the entire day.  I'm up now, but will probably be back in bed by 8:30 or so.  If I'm this tired now, I can only imagine what it will be like after my final treatment!  I'm so glad this is happening during the holidays, though, when coworkers are taking time off and everything is more relaxed.  I don't feel so bad for functioning at a lower capacity.

I have to confess that I am really tired of the stitch abscesses I've been getting.  It's been over four months since my surgery and I'm still having to bandage myself up to cover the oozing wounds on my left side.  The right side is fine.  Strange!  The abscesses come and go: it's not that they're not healing; I just keep getting new ones.  I'm starting to wonder if this is ever going to stop.  Almost all of my pajamas have blood stains on them from abscesses that broke open overnight and even some of my shirts have gotten stains during the day.  Sigh.  But I'm very thankful that none of them have caused a big infection, despite my low-functioning immune system.

I had promised to report on my cancer experience, so there you have it - always a mix of blessings and difficulties.  I have truly learned that "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" (Phil. 4:13)!  Just a few more weeks of chemo side effects to get through and I will feel like a conqueror.  :)  Don't stop praying now!


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