Avastin/Gemzar Update

It's been quite a while since I provided an update. I've now almost completed three 21-day cycles of my new treatment regime and feel like I can finally speak to what it's like to be on this treatment. Overall, it seems to be easier than my last treatment - so much less nausea! It has different side effects to contend with - high blood pressure, constant runny nose, daily bloody noses, and so much fatigue - but these don't strip you of the will to live like nausea does. It's disappointing to be back on the two weeks on/one week off schedule rather than the one week on/two weeks off schedule I enjoyed for a brief time. More appointments, more driving, more days of the week taken up with doctor's appointments and chemo. (But more chances to see all you lovely people who sign up to give me rides!)

I'll be having CT scans on Feb. 7 to see how my liver is responding to this new treatment. 
Our great hope is that these tumors will have responded to treatment in the same way my brain did - with complete healing! But we will also be thrilled if things have remained stable and there are no new tumors. We've been monitoring my liver enzymes, which continue to be elevated above normal. This could be from the cancer's growth and activity, but it's also a side effect of one of my chemo drugs. So we watch and wait.

In the meantime, I'm soaking up time at my niece's and nephew's basketball games, trying to make memories, both for me and for them when I'm gone. I hope they always know I'm cheering them on - in sports and in life. And you, too, dear supporters! I am so thankful for your constant encouragement, love, and physical support. You are the friends holding up the mat of the paralytic so he could get to Jesus. You make this all so much more bearable. 💗 Thank you!


  1. Dearest Katherine, love you and praying for you, your gift of faith is beautiful. So great you are building such precious memories with your niece and nephew. Love you always...Auntie Mary

  2. Continued prayers for you beautiful friend. You are such an inspiration to me and others. Love you!

  3. Hi Katherine! I met your wonderful mom last summer. My husband, two little ones and I traveled to Virginia to get away while we awaited my breast biopsy results - that's when I randomly met your mom in the park. We talked each others' ears off and she told me about you and your journey. We prayed together right there in the park. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 days after we returned home from that trip. I'm fighting through this obstacle and I know God is with me. Please tell your mom that I think of her often and I am grateful for her praying for me when I truly needed it most. She knew, better than I did, what the battle looked like ahead for me. Her prayer gave me strength. All the best to you and your family, Katherine. I'm praying for you all <3

    1. Ashley, I'm so thankful you found the support and encouragement you needed on that day! What a testimony of God's faithfulness to you! I pray you continue to run this race with endurance, looking unto Jesus (Heb. 12:1-2), who goes before you and will never leave you or forsake you. Feel free to reach out if I can help in any way!


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