If you don't follow me on GiveInKind, you missed the live updates from my gamma knife surgery. But everything went well, and I was cleared to continue on to the beach to enjoy some time with my in-laws and the restorative power of the waves. Recovery was minimal, just tending to the small wounds left by the screws they used to attach the frame to my skull. 

While we were at the beach, I heard from Johns Hopkins, offering me an appointment on October 16. As thrilled as I was to get in, the plan is that I will start my new treatment October 8, as soon as we get back from a bucket list trip to England. Not being able to see Johns Hopkins and get their input until after that was a huge letdown. A friend encouraged me to reach out again and explain that I really need an earlier date, and she prayed with me right then, asking God to make a way. And He did! They responded to my request and even thanked me for advocating for my needs! What a sweet answer to prayer that went even beyond what we asked for. He truly is a God who does exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think (Eph. 3:20)!

My appointment with Johns Hopkins is now scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 18. I would so appreciate your prayers for our travel to Baltimore and back (I'm a nervous car rider, especially on the interstate or in big cities). And of course prayer for the appointment itself! Pray that they get all the records they need to review my case thoroughly and wisdom in what they suggest for my treatment. If it differs from what my UVA team has suggested, please pray that I can discern which is the best course for me to take. And prayers that my oncologist will be appreciative of the extra set of eyes on my case. I would hate for him to think I don't trust his advice and recommendations.

I'm also dealing with the return of neck, shoulder, and back pain that was previously treated and under control. Obviously, this is discouraging, but especially because we're about to do a bunch of traveling and I need my body in top shape to be able to participate in and enjoy that. I was able to get trigger point injections today and was prescribed some additional medications for the pain. They're also going to do some imaging tomorrow to see if they can identify a cause. Would you pray for healing from this pain?

Thank you, friends, for all of your support and care for me! I'm beyond grateful.


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