You may have seen a bit of a teaser about praying for a trip to Las Vegas this weekend. Thank you if you've been praying without knowing why! Here's the update:

Recently, I was approached about restarting my role as a patient ambassador, this time for the chemo drug I'm currently taking. (For those who don't know, I was privileged to be a patient ambassador for my first metastatic treatment for about four of the five years it worked for me.)  This time, Kevin will join me, as well! We'll be sharing at the drug company's national sales meeting on Monday. We'd appreciate prayer for safe travels (especially peace for me, as I'm afraid of flying). Please also pray that this will be a time for the two of us to grow closer and that we will be able to express the Hope that is within us.

We're so thankful for drug companies who want to hear what the patient experience is like and to connect with patients and their families on a closer level.


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