It's Been a Day

Kevin and I met with the neuro-oncologist this morning. He took an extensive history of my symptoms, did a physical exam, and reviewed my brain MRI with us. The physical exam was interactive - kick, pull, push, stand up, close your eyes, follow the beam of light, remember these three words, etc. I think I should have had some coffee and eaten my Wheaties beforehand. :) 

On the MRI, we saw again the tumor in my eye (the image is reversed, so my left eye is on the right side). It's easy to see - it's the round dark spot above the yellow arrow.

We also looked at the spot on my pituitary gland, but it's harder to identify within all the MRI images I have, so I haven't included the picture. The neuro-oncologist thinks both are likely metastases and should be evaluated by neurosurgery for treatment via a procedure called gamma knife surgery. In fact, he called the neurosurgeon right then and sent me over to see him. 

Before leaving neuro-oncology, though, he ordered a full spine and lumbar MRI, which I'll get first thing tomorrow morning, and a lumbar puncture, yet to be scheduled. He also referred me to endocrinology for pituitary tests and to ophthalmology. He said that I'll be working with my breast care medical oncologist to determine the next drug treatment. Thankfully, both of these new tumors are not technically part of my brain. Because they're outside the blood-brain barrier, they should be receptive to normal chemotherapy treatments and not just the few that can get past this barrier.

After arranging all this, Kevin and I left the cancer center and walked over to UVA's West Complex to meet with neurosurgery. It was strange to be back in that part of the hospital, this time as a patient and not an employee. We got right in to see the neurosurgeon and his team, and again we reviewed my MRI. It seems like my pituitary tumor is a good candidate for the gamma knife and I'll have the surgery/procedure done on Monday. Yes - this Monday!

The eye tumor, however, is not a good candidate for the gamma knife. I'll be referred back to radiation oncology for treatment instead.

If you are overwhelmed by all the details in this update, we are, too! It was a lot to take in and much more than we expected to do today. But we're glad things are moving fast now to try to get rid of these tumors. 

Big days to remember are:

Tomorrow, Thursday, Feb. 9 - 6:20 AM full spinal MRI. It's a really long MRI, so extra prayers are definitely needed.

Friday, Feb. 10 - 8:00 AM pre-lumbar puncture labwork. 9:00 AM gamma knife pre-op MRI. 10:30 AM lumbar puncture. 1:45 PM pre-op appointment with neurosurgery.

Monday, Feb. 13 - 6:15 AM mini operation to apply the headframe that will stabilize my head for the gamma knife surgery. 8:00 AM surgery.

In the midst of all this, while I'm done with the radiation on my shoulder blade, I'm still waiting for the hoped-for pain relief to kick in. It could take up to 30 days. Continued prayers for managing that are much appreciated. It actually bothers me much more than my newer tumors. Thank you, as always, for your prayers and encouragement! Hearing from you always brightens my day!


  1. Saying more prayers, Katherine, for you through the next few days and especially for the pain in your shoulder blade to be much relieved.

  2. Praying for you sweet Katherine...and for Kevin...for His peace.

  3. Lady Katherin…. My heart goes out to you and my prayers go up to our Heavenly Father for you. I pray your pain will subside soon and all of the new procedures will be successful. Know you are loved!

  4. Katherine,
    You are so brave. I think of you and pray for you so often. I will pray extra hard over these next few days. This has been a long journey and I remember the beginning well. Sending extra love and hugs tonight.

  5. Praying for you and yours each day, Katherine. Your heart, openness and grace are awesome to me.


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