Life Lately

I've been out of work for the past two weeks. Last Monday came and I found I couldn't face one more day "adulting." The deep fatigue has been coloring my whole outlook. I made it to the couch and just started crying. And didn't stop until late afternoon. That's when I knew I needed a break.

So I've been resting, relaxing, and rejuvenating for the past two weeks. Around this same time, my cell phone broke, so I've also been "unplugged" for the most part. It has been exactly what the doctor ordered. I feel like I still need some more time to get back to myself fully, so I don't know what the next week or two may hold, but I've really appreciated this chance to hide out from life.

I just finished a Bible study on Ephesians 6 and the armor of God. The very last week's work focused on the helmet of salvation, how we put the helmet on by constantly reminding ourselves of our identity in Christ and rejecting the lies the enemy tries to get us to believe about ourselves and God. I realized that I hadn't been utilizing this weapon very well. So now, when I'm stuck waiting somewhere, instead of pulling out my phone to scroll through Facebook, I pull out my ring of index cards loaded up with Bible verses and preach them to myself. (It also helps that I don't have a phone to pull out anyway!)

I would encourage you to try this yourself. I definitely didn't notice that I had been believing lies about myself; the enemy is awfully sneaky. Maybe he's gotten into your head, too?

Finally, I want to share this article: Loving Someone Who is Dying. I think it's also applicable to encouraging others in general, not just those who are dying. Many of you have reached out to me in these ways and I've so appreciated it! You may never know how your card arrived at just the right time to lift my spirits or how that text you sent reminded me I'm not alone. You guys are loving me well, whether I'm dying anytime soon or not.


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